Pinterest Statistics that are Going to Blow your Mind

Did you know that there are over 450 monthly users on Pinterest? Or that 71% of users are female, and 85% of Pinners use the mobile app?

It’s important to understand the demographics and user habits of Pinners before you start putting your time and effort into the platform. This blog post is going to run through Pinterest statistics (that might shock you!) to help you understand if Pinterest marketing is right for your business.

First up, demographics.

  • 71% of users are female. We often deem Pinterest as a platform for women, but that means nearly 30% of the users on Pinterest are male (and rapidly growing!).

  • 80% of US moms are on Pinterest. Moms are generally the decision makers in the family, not only for themselves but for their husbands and children as well. Keep this in mind when developing your Pinterest marketing strategy, even if your ideal customer is male - it may be his wife making the purchase decision.

  • Half of all Pinterest users live outside of the US. This means huge opportunity to expand your brand’s global reach! If your business is location independent, you can reach a large international audience by marketing on Pinterest.

  • 80% of US millennial women & 40% of US millennial men are using Pinterest. Gen Z’s getting in on the fun too and the platform is skewing younger every day. Pinterest demographics are increasing 50% year-over-year for Gen Z.

Next, user habits.

  • 85% of Pinners are using Mobile. Don’t forget to check how your pins look on your phone before you share them! Especially if you’re using scripty fonts, these are often difficult to read on mobile.

  • 89% of Pinners are on Pinterest for purchase inspiration. This might be the most amazing stat on this list! Nearly every user on Pinterest is using the platform to shop, do, try, buy etc. Whatever you’re selling - someone’s searching for it.

  • 97% of searches on Pinterest are unbranded. This is big news for small businesses! Pinterest users aren’t brand loyal yet, they’re seeking inspiration and the product that’s going to solve their problem. If you’re having trouble getting your product in front of your ideal audience, Pinterest is a great place to start!

  • 98% of Pinners report doing, trying or buying based on something they saw on Pinterest. Pinterest is full of action takers. Users come to Pinterest with intent; they’re seeking inspiration, solutions & the next best thing. It’s a visual search engine and users are wanting to discover your product or service!

So based off of these statistics, is your ideal client on Pinterest? If you’re still not sure, head to the Pinterest search bar and start typing in search terms related to your business. Take note of the terms that autopopulate - how many are there? are they also relevant to your business?

If more than 3 relevant search terms pop up - your ideal client or customer is definitely on Pinterest and already searching for what you’re offering! It’s time to focus your efforts on reaching them through Pinterest marketing.

Not sure where to start? Connect with me on Instagram or book a Discovery Call, I’d love to help!


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