What’s a Pinterest Manager and Why do I Need One?

You’ve probably heard the buzz about Pinterest and what a powerful tool it is for business growth (a free tool, might I add!). Pinterest can be used to grow your email list, guide hot leads through your sales funnel, sell physical or digital products and gain global recognition as an expert in your niche.

So of course you want to be utilizing it for your business, but where do you start?

Well, you could spend hours taking courses, watching YouTube videos, downloading freebies and following a million Instagram Pinterest tip accounts etc…. OR! You could hire a Pinterest Manager.

What does a Pinterest Manager do? A Pinterest Manager is a Pinterest expert + strategist who will help you set up & optimize your profile for maximum reach. They’ll research specific-for-you keywords that will help you start ranking and getting your Pins seen (and clicked!) by a wider audience. They’ll design eye-catching & scroll-stopping Pins that beg to be clicked, driving massive traffic to your website. They’ll take all of the guess work out of Pinterest and completely manage your account from head to toe, helping generate leads & traffic while you sleep (and for years to come!)

Sounds great, right? Right! So why hire a Pinterest Manager when I just told you there are so many free resources out there to learn how to use Pinterest properly? Well, just like Instagram or Facebook you could definitely manage it yourself. But it’s important to keep in mind that Pinterest is not just another social media platform; it functions like a search engine (think: Google but pretty) so it’s super important to understand SEO & its specific algorithm. Plus, Pinterest managers stay up to date with the latest Pinterest news, changes, features & analytics - so you don’t have to! They also handle your pin designs, optimization and daily pinning so you can focus on the core of your business. Basically, hiring a Pinterest manager saves you a ton of time. And time is money, baby!

Think of it like hiring a mechanic. You could definitely head to Autozone, pick up new break pads and install them yourself. You know how important it is to have functioning breaks, but do you really care enough about cars to spend the time learning how to install them? And even if you did, can you be 100% sure you installed them correctly with the recommended processes? I don’t know about you but I’d rather hire an expert to make sure it’s done correctly and spend my time at the beach instead of underneath my tires.

Is hiring a Pinterest Manager right for you? It depends what your brand is, how experienced you are with Pinterest and what your goals are. I’d love to chat and help you find out if it’s a right fit! Click here to connect, I’m passionate about helping female entrepreneurs grow & scale through the power of Pinterest!


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